Sunday, February 26, 2012

what if you only had a week?

Today I went for a run.  It was snowing and sunny at the same time and it was glorious.  I made it through without Lucy tripping me or dragging me through any mud puddles which equals success.  I came home and caught the last three minutes of a movie Brian had been watching.  I think it was called "One Week."  I was able to catch the premise in those last minutes and by the title that nudged the me to ask myself, "what would I do if I had one week to live?"  We all have these moments every once in a while in life when we are reminded that this life we live on earth can be taken away at any moment.  In James 4:14 it says: "yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."  What is my life?  It was funny that this movie was on because this has been on my mind lately.  I have been thinking about what legacy I would want to leave, what story I would want to tell if I knew I had just a week.  What regrets would I have?  What would I not have said?  If I were to die today {Not to sound morbid or like a wacadoo, I just think it's a good thing to think about.} I would regret not telling more people about Jesus.  I would {hopefully} get to heaven and he would ask me why I didn't.  What would I say?  "Uhhh, I didn't tell more people about you because, uh, I was afraid of what people might think of me."  Which would sound so completely lame but would be the complete truth.  Or maybe I would say that I thought if I told them, they might reject me.  I'm already nervous to post this.  But, then I remember this verse I randomly stumbled upon this week while thinking about all of this:

So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.  What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.  And do not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather fear him who can kill both soul and body in hell.

-Matthew 10:26-28

I am reminded that I should not fear what others think of me.  What I should be concerned with is what Jesus thinks of me.  He is telling me here that I should be shouting the good news of Jesus on the housetops, so this is my housetop.  I cannot tell you how Jesus has changed my life since I began really following him a couple of years ago. {If you would like to hear about this, I would be happy to tell you.  Let's go get a latte.  It will take a while.  It is a perfect love story.}  What I have felt God impressing upon my heart is that if I claim to follow Christ and I truly believe what he says, that means I believe there is a heaven and there is a hell.  There is a hell, folks.  God tells us in his word that this life we have here on earth is a vapor.  It's nothing compared to the eternity that waits for us.  It's forever.  Jesus so desires you to be in heaven with him.  You need his saving and he so wants to save you.  But he is the only way.  You can try other roads but they will all lead you to a dead end.  No matter where you are in your life.  How screwed up you might think it is or how perfect you might think it is.  You need him and he wants you.  Not only does he not want you to go to hell, he wants to show you the fullness of his love.  He wants a relationship with you now.  He wants to teach you about his grace and his mercy.  Today.  He wants to give you his perfect peace.  This is what he has done for me and it's unlike anything I have ever experienced.  My hope is that if you are reading this and you don't know Jesus, I mean really know him, you might want to.  Or at least be curious.  I would love to tell you more.  If you have questions about Jesus or why I so desperately want you to know him, please ask.  Whether you are a facebook friend, a dear friend, or you stumbled upon my blog at random.  I can't say I will know the answer, but I will find it for you.  I am available.  That said, this pretty much wraps up what I wanted to say:


  1. I love this blog post Stacy. And, I love you.

  2. Great post, Stacy. Thanks for sharing your heart. :)
