Being a mama is great.
I love it.
There are so many things I could tell you about that are truly lovely.
There are also some minor aspects that, well, are challenging.
Today marks one month since little Lola, or “Lols”( as my sister would call her
J) was born.
Boy do I love this girl.
I’m not going to lie though, this morning when she woke up for the third time at 2:47am I wasn’t looking forward to feeding her or changing her diaper, or spit up all over my shoulder.
I don’t enjoy smelling like sour breast milk.
Not one bit.
I also am a huge fan of sleep, so the complete and utter exhaustion has also been a little rough.
When you are this exhausted you have a hard time putting sentences together, there’s a little stuttering involved at times.
You might forget words and sometimes wonder if what came out of your mouth made any sense at all, then you repeat it back in your mind, and still, you wonder.
Because of this lag people treat you one of two ways: they either sympathize and are extra nice and super helpful; or they treat you like you are a little “slow.”
They may even insult you, like the irritated little gem of a checker I was so lucky to meet at the grocery store last week.
As I held a screaming Lola in my arms (she was a little overdue for a sleep sesh and a little hungry), trying to pile my random items, because with a newborn in tow, minus a grocery list, you end up walking aimlessly down aisles, haphazardly throwing pop tarts and wine in your cart.
But I digress.
So as I was saying, this lovely little checker (actually, she was rather large) asked how old Lola was.
I replied, “oh, uh, she’s just about two weeks” as a flustered me was digging through the bottomless pit that is my purse to find my wallet.
She then retorted, “Oh yeah, thought so.
You’re still walking kind of funny.”
So these are the not so lovely little bits that a new mama endures.
At least my lovely little bits.
Now for the lovelies, because there are many more of these. I could go on and on…and on and embellish every little last lovely bit but I am positive no one wants to hear that. So let’s keep it to the point—here’s my list…so far:
- Snuggling. I could snuggle this little bug all day every day. Never does it get old.
- The little sounds she makes. She sounds a lot like a little gremlin, we always laugh. Now that I think about it, I hope this is normal.
- Those cheeks. They are so warm and soft and kissable and irresistible.
- Dressing her in cute little getups like this:
...and what about this?
- That sometimes I’m the only one that can stop her crying.
- These little feetsies:
- When she wraps her little fingers around my thumb.
- When I hear Brian talking so sweetly to her on the monitor from the other room. Be still my heart.
- Going to get our Christmas tree today as a family with my sis and her family. There is something about having a baby that adds a new layer of depth to your life. My heart was filled with joy as we all tromped our strollers through that festive little tree farm with our littles...
where we found these little beauties:
which soon turned into something magical:
and I finally found a tree topper I love.