Monday, October 17, 2011

my first little bloggy blog

My name is Stacy and I am starting a blog.  This is something I have wanted to do for quite some time.  Finally I have mustered up the courage to go for it and the discipline to figure out how to actually create the darned thing.  Why am I starting a blog you might ask?  Well, my friend, let me just tell you.  I have decided to write a blog because I think everyone has a story worth telling.  You just never know who you may touch, or who God may decide to reach through you.  He’s been doing some pretty amazing things in my life and I think it’s worth sharing.

 A little about me: I love my family, my husband, Jesus, my dogs, cooking, procrastinating (okay, I don’t love it but I do it, a lot), wine, winning, the feeling after a good run, the real housewives (yes, it's my guilty pleasure and I refuse to give them up), sweatpants, kids, any combination of chocolate, caramel and sea salt, sleeping in, iced lattes, and being pregnant.  (Yes, I am pregnant.  This little peanut is due November 1st , she is our first, and I absolutely cannot wait!)

My nephew, Lute (see below), has already named her Cherry Cake.  I am almost certain he thinks this will be her real name and will be sad to disappoint him when we break the news. 

meet Brian:

Brian is my husband and the love of my life.  He is my lobster (lobsters mate for life you know?).  He is also my high school sweetheart.  Isn’t he dreamy?  A bit about him:  He is the hardest worker I know.  He loves me so selflessly.  Kiddos and animals love him.  He is going to be such an amazing daddy.  He is an avid Sounders fan.  He puts ketchup on everything, and it seriously grosses me out.  He has integrity.  He has the ability to make me laugh all day long, we’re talking belly laughs.  And I love it.  He is a people person, he is exuberant and animated and loud, and I am not.  He balances me out quite perfectly. He’s really funny, did I mention that?  He loves Jesus.   He started a construction business about three years ago that now supports our family completely.  I am so, so proud of him and am blessed, so blessed, that he is my husband.

meet Tank:

Oh, Tank.  Yes, we are those people who dress our dogs up in Halloween costumes.  I got Tank for Brian when we were 19.  He is our baby.  We are also those people who think our dogs are our children.  Don’t judge us.

finally, meet little Lucy:

My little Lucy.  She is my sunshine.  She is the most affectionate, loyal little fur ball I have ever met.  Her hobbies include snuggling, wagging, and giving kisses, lots of em… almost to a fault.

 Welp, that’s me and my little family who I love with my whole heart.  Thanks for reading and stay tuned for my adventures in becoming a mama, walking with Jesus, random happenings, and becoming more domesticated.